Which Wi-Fi encryption is the best for 2022?

The answer to this question is not difficult to come up with. Now, not everyone knows of this encryption method, but the information below will ensure you’ll know all you need to know by the end.

WPA3-Personal and WPA3-Enterprise Wi-Fi Encryption explained


OK, so when it comes down to understanding what WPA3-Personal is all about, well, it’s all in the name. You see, this Wi-Fi encryption method was primarily designed for home users. It allows the user to pick their own password, and it doesn’t care if the password is secure or not.


In terms of WPA3-Enterprise, this method for Wi-Fi encryption is much better than the previous because it provides authentication encryption keys from 128-bit to 256-bit. Now, instead of using a password, the Enterprise version of WPA3 takes advantage of an authentication server. It can also protect against hacking with the use of Protected Management Frames. Read: Enable WPA3; Join a Wi-Fi using WPA3 Security in Windows 11

WPA3-Enterprise with 192-bit Mode

The final one on the list is WPA3-Enterprise with 192-bit Mode, and it’s a step up from the regular enterprise version. Why is this, you ask? Well, it brings the option to use 192-bit as the minimum encryption, with 384-bit being the most advanced and secure. No doubt this is an overkill for individual users, but the same cannot be said for enterprise users who want greater security. This is similar to WPA3-Enterprise but with the option for minimum 192-bit encryption instead of 128-bit. It also ups the authentication encryption to 256-bit and the key-encryption to 384-bit.

My devices do not support WPA3, what can I do?

Here’s the thing, one must take into consideration that WPA3 is still new to the Wi-Fi space, which means, most people are still using devices that do not have the support for the new standard. Read: Types of Wireless Network Security keys and how to secure them

How about using WPA2 always?

Let’s be honest about something here, WPA2-Personal and Enterprise are secured, but not like they used to be in the past. Hackers have managed to bypass this standard even with AES encryption active. Still, when it comes down to good enough protection for the device you have, WPA2 is still your best bet.

Purchase newer devices

That’s right, if you’re obsessed with security then we suggest upgrading your old router to one that supports WPA3. But not only that, you will need to upgrade your smart devices as well. Yes, it will cost a lot, but good things and improved security always come at a price.

Encryption standards everyone should stay clear from

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): This standard was created in 1997, but then it was compromised in 2005.WPA Version 1: Came to life in 2003, but hackers got the best of it in 2008.WPA2-TKIP: WPA2 combined with TKIP provided solid security back in the day, but it was cracked in 2017.WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup): This is a simple method to easily connect a smart device to a Wi-Fi network. However, the PIN code can be siphoned with brute force techniques, so if you can avoid it, please do so by disabling it and never look back.

You can read more about the difference between WPA, WPA2 & WEP Wi-Fi Protocols.

What comes after WPA3?

To be honest, we have no idea, but it is likely WPA4, but this could take more than 10-years before becoming available for public use. We say this because WPA2 was ratified in 2004, and WPA3 announcement came in 2018, a full 14-years after.

What does Wi-Fi security do?

Wi-Fi security is important because it was designed to prevent unauthorized access to all devices connected to a wireless network. Modern home routers provide multiple ways to secure your network, and they vary in different levels of protection. Read: How to check Wi-Fi Network Security type in Windows

Can a router be hacked remotely?

Yes, this is possible. In most cases, your router is very much protected, however, since routers rely on software to operate, and software is never 100 percent secure, hackers with enough knowledge can find breaches to gain access. This is why you must always check with your router manufacturer for the latest firmware to keep the device as secure as possible. Read: How to secure your WiFi against FragAttacks?

Can a phone be hacked through Wi-Fi?

If your Wi-Fi network is compromised then it is possible for hackers to gain access to your smartphone via Wi-Fi. From there, the hacker can install a malicious file on your smartphone and perform a multitude of other actions.

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