Sketchable review

Good app for Digital Journaling

Developed by Silicon Benders, Sketchable is considered best suitable for journaling. With around 4000 unique covers, names, and resolutions Sketchable helps you customize your journal to the best. Easy importing, exporting, and sharing with PSD export support makes it one of the best suitable apps for everyone into digital journaling. It comes with some pre-loaded journals and you can add a new one when needed. Sketchable also brings a set of a drawing tools with eight custom presets per tool. The Color Picker and quick access to the Stroke Preview help you convert your image into a portrait-style painting.

Features of Sketchable

Let you create journals with high resolutions with hard copy size up to 4000 on 64 bit Windows devices.Color Picker- Simply use the color picker to select one or edit your image by adjusting the hue and saturation level.PSD Export feature lets you share your work easily from your mobile device to a desktop.Stroke Preview helps to make adjustments in an image with numerous control of each tool.Sketchable comes with a resizable UI and includes two custom scale factors, one for each touch-based and mouse-based device.It also includes a brush tool and an eraser. You can get some additional tools like chalk, pencil, marker, and airbrush with the paid version of Sketchable.

The updated Sketchable 3.0 app comes with a new set of features which include

Symmetry- lets you choose between one or two-axis and position them accordingly.Masks- this feature lets you select a shape and mark off a section of the canvas.Stencils- it helps to draw crisp lines or fluid curves.Layers- You can now add 32 new layers, rearrange, transform or merge them.

Usability: Sketchable is a simple drawing app that requires no technical knowledge. Any user with minimal photo editing knowledge can easily use it and make out the most of it.  There are set tools for every drawing application including brush, paint bucket, color picker, color palette, magnification tool, scale, and many more. Just tap on the icon and you can use any tool. Overall Sketchable is a nice app that comes with a simple and elegant user interface and a variety of useful tools. It is this is one of the best, if not THE best drawing app for Windows users and definitely worth trying once. There are free as well as the paid versions of the app available, whereas the latter version comes with some extra features and tools. You can also purchase the tools separately if required. Download it here and let us know if it meets your photo editing and journaling requirements.

What are the alternatives to Sketchable?

There are many, and the list includes SoftOrbits Photo to Sketch converter, Bamboo Paper, Fresh Paint, Paint 3D, MyPaint, Krita Desktop, and so on. Most of the software has similar features but they differ on how easy one can achieve when doling so or converting any existing photo to a sketch.